4 Contributo in Atti di Convegno (Proceeding)
 Distribuzione geografica
Continente #
NA - Nord America 125.334
EU - Europa 78.792
AS - Asia 47.406
AF - Africa 2.803
SA - Sud America 1.182
Continente sconosciuto - Info sul continente non disponibili 800
OC - Oceania 404
Totale 256.721
Nazione #
US - Stati Uniti d'America 114.422
CN - Cina 32.297
UA - Ucraina 32.210
IT - Italia 14.475
DE - Germania 11.216
CA - Canada 10.742
SE - Svezia 9.180
SG - Singapore 5.277
TR - Turchia 3.894
FR - Francia 2.508
CI - Costa d'Avorio 2.320
GB - Regno Unito 2.044
FI - Finlandia 1.683
IN - India 1.504
HK - Hong Kong 1.127
NL - Olanda 880
BR - Brasile 857
EU - Europa 798
BE - Belgio 765
IR - Iran 645
RU - Federazione Russa 609
CZ - Repubblica Ceca 566
ES - Italia 340
AU - Australia 335
MY - Malesia 312
ID - Indonesia 300
RO - Romania 271
PT - Portogallo 268
JP - Giappone 259
PH - Filippine 246
TW - Taiwan 245
AT - Austria 224
CH - Svizzera 220
PL - Polonia 214
KR - Corea 189
LT - Lituania 179
PK - Pakistan 173
GR - Grecia 161
TH - Thailandia 149
VN - Vietnam 147
IE - Irlanda 126
PE - Perù 106
NO - Norvegia 103
HU - Ungheria 94
MX - Messico 92
ZA - Sudafrica 85
IL - Israele 84
EG - Egitto 73
CO - Colombia 70
DK - Danimarca 68
NZ - Nuova Zelanda 68
SA - Arabia Saudita 60
AE - Emirati Arabi Uniti 59
HR - Croazia 56
MA - Marocco 54
BG - Bulgaria 52
NG - Nigeria 50
SK - Slovacchia (Repubblica Slovacca) 49
AR - Argentina 48
JO - Giordania 45
IQ - Iraq 44
KE - Kenya 44
EC - Ecuador 43
BD - Bangladesh 40
CL - Cile 40
LU - Lussemburgo 38
DZ - Algeria 37
MO - Macao, regione amministrativa speciale della Cina 33
TN - Tunisia 33
LK - Sri Lanka 31
UZ - Uzbekistan 31
RS - Serbia 30
NP - Nepal 29
LV - Lettonia 25
CY - Cipro 22
MT - Malta 22
SI - Slovenia 22
CU - Cuba 21
GH - Ghana 20
KZ - Kazakistan 20
MD - Moldavia 20
EE - Estonia 19
AZ - Azerbaigian 18
ET - Etiopia 15
KW - Kuwait 15
QA - Qatar 15
LB - Libano 14
PA - Panama 14
AL - Albania 12
AM - Armenia 12
TT - Trinidad e Tobago 11
UG - Uganda 11
CM - Camerun 10
IS - Islanda 10
OM - Oman 10
ZW - Zimbabwe 9
DO - Repubblica Dominicana 8
KG - Kirghizistan 8
PS - Palestinian Territory 8
LA - Repubblica Popolare Democratica del Laos 7
Totale 256.564
Città #
Chandler 24.721
Jacksonville 22.840
Toronto 10.121
Boardman 7.341
Nanjing 5.997
Princeton 4.820
Wilmington 4.236
Singapore 3.621
Istanbul 3.559
Ogden 2.473
Shenyang 2.464
Abidjan 2.320
Ann Arbor 2.020
Ashburn 1.980
Nanchang 1.819
Hebei 1.729
Jiaxing 1.669
Helsinki 1.612
Guangzhou 1.550
Shanghai 1.543
Los Angeles 1.517
Tianjin 1.446
Bremen 1.410
Changsha 1.371
Dearborn 1.207
Zhengzhou 991
Rome 959
Ningbo 889
Beijing 857
Jinan 854
Naples 711
Norwalk 638
Dallas 631
Brussels 628
Milan 606
Taizhou 586
Hong Kong 585
Boydton 519
Redwood City 506
San Mateo 492
Napoli 460
Leawood 457
Shenzhen 437
Wuhan 431
Brno 416
Seattle 402
London 393
Augusta 383
Ottawa 345
Hangzhou 342
San Giorgio Del Sannio 332
Munich 329
Salerno 326
Ardabil 305
Strasbourg 268
Portland 250
Meppel 245
Santa Clara 231
Frankfurt am Main 229
Monmouth Junction 227
Amsterdam 218
Reggio Calabria 201
Houston 179
Nantong 169
Falls Church 164
Redmond 164
Mumbai 160
Wuxi 156
Florence 155
Vienna 144
Jinhua 142
Turin 138
Benevento 131
Bari 125
Central 125
Quanzhou 124
Rui'an 124
Bologna 123
Berlin 121
Xuzhou 119
Washington 118
Chicago 117
Edinburgh 111
Taipei 110
Pune 105
Council Bluffs 103
Melbourne 101
Qingdao 97
Caserta 96
Dublin 95
Kuala Lumpur 92
Tokyo 92
Padova 90
Falkenstein 86
Palermo 86
Paris 86
Glasgow 84
Stockholm 84
Sydney 80
Grafing 78
Totale 137.539
Nome #
ESG, Competitive advantage and financial performances: a preliminary research 3.503
Consumer Response to Brand Activism: A Multiple Case Study Analysis 1.084
La performance economico-finanziaria delle start-up innovative italiane: un’indagine empirica macroregionale sui bilanci con metodo Anova 760
Gli indici climatici per la caratterizzazione geoambientale del paesaggio dell’Appennino sannita (Campania) 535
A bibliometric analysis of a risky marketing strategy: brand activism 392
Implementing industry 4.0 technologies in lean production through e-kanban automotive production 316
Financial structure instability as failure sympton in the aviation industry - The Jet Airways case 242
The use of organizational network analysis in change management: an Italian case study 238
Accessible tourism in Italy: state of the art and future prospects in the digital age 231
Generation Z and sustainable tourism: exploring the influence of pro-environmental tourism UGC engagement 230
Alternative use of tobacco stems as sustainable biofuel 204
Application of artificial neural networks for demand forecasting in supply chain of thai frozen chicken products export industry 193
Climate-based ensemble machine learning model to forecast Dengue epidemics (papers track) 192
Il marketing orientato all’esperienza 188
Post-fire assessment of burned areas with very high resolution Sentinel-2 and Landsat-8 images 188
The illiteracy pride and the financial prejudice 177
L’ACIMO-PLS e i Modelli Strutturali per la valutazione multi-modulo della Customer Satisfaction: un approccio integrato 171
Performance of Italian Hotel Companies in the Digital Economy: Application of Anova Method 168
Energy analysis of a geothermal-based energy community equipped with heating and cooling network coupled to an ORC plant 167
La Carta geoturistica dell’area del Monte Camposuaro nell’ambito del Parco Naturale Regionale del Taburno – Camposauro (Campania) 167
Business Management Theories and Practices in a Dynamic Competitive Environment 162
La disabilità dopo l’Università: il disability management per un lavoro dignitoso, equo e inclusive nelle moderne società glocali 161
Head or heart? A comparative study of the factors influencing sustainable consumption intention in two generational cohorts 161
Da Giuseppe De Lorenzo a Ludovico Brancaccio: un secolo di Geografia fisica e Geomorfologia nell’Università di Napoli 154
Storia geocartografica di un monumento naturale dell’ Appennino Sannita: il geosito della Mefite in Valle di Ansanto (Campania) 153
Nuovi dati cronologici sui depositi marini e continentali della Piana del F. Sele e della costa settentrionale del Cilento (Campania, Appennino meridionale) 152
Un modello per il business process reengineering – la misurazione delle performance in ambiente ERP 145
Aspetti geografico-fisici del "terroir" del Greco di Tufo (Avellino) 142
Techno-economic feasibility of a small Renewable Energy Community: a case study of office buildings in south of Italy 141
Rapporti tra assetto geomorfologico, caratteri dei suoli e produzione vitivinicola per la definizione preliminare del "Terroir" della Valle telesina (Provincia di Benevento) 140
Caratteri geologici ed evolutivi della frana di Montaguto 139
Validation of numerical models for RC columns subjected to cyclic load 135
Erosion processes on the rocky coasts of Ponza Island (Italy) 135
A Novel Fluidized Bed Thermochemical Battery for Chemical Energy Storage in Concentrated Solar Power Systems 135
Multichannel integration and consumer behavior in a digital age: the role of physical distance. 135
Accelerator Programs: Promoting Entrepreneurship Through Learning. A Comparative Case Study. 134
La disabilità dopo l’Università: economia ed aziende inclusive 134
Knowledge spillover, eventi culturali e vitalità del territorio 133
Financial dynamics of tourism companies, travel agencies and tour operators, during the crisis period 132
Love is a two-sided why: exploring Valentine’s Day’s ritual purchases and consumption behaviors via comparative textual big data analysis and predictive modeling 128
Italian Hotels and Sustainability: some Experiences 126
Mixed model assembly line design in a lean implemented manufacturing industry 125
Soil structure interaction on the dynamic behavior of two historic masonry structures 123
Application of Wireless Sensor Networks to Environmental Monitoring for Sustainable Mobility 123
Il fattore intrattenimento nelle strategie di marketing: presupposti e applicazioni 122
Production of Magnesium-Based Cements by Means of Solar-Driven Calcination of MgCO3-Containing Natural Sources 121
The AD 79 tsunami in Naples Bay 120
Marketing-non-marketing all’italiana: virtù, limiti e prospettive 119
Indagine della struttura sepolta del bacino di Volturara Irpina (Avellino) attraverso dati gravimetrici e di microtremore 119
12:15 - 12:30 - Complex-Coordinate Transformation Optics and PT-Symmetric Metamaterials 117
Topographic effects in Amatrice suggested from the SiSeRHMap predictive model, seismic data and damage 116
L'interazione terreno-struttura sotto azione sismica: il caso di studio del Campanile del Carmine a Napoli 116
Tra terra e mare. Il paesaggio della Tintilia (Molise) 115
The influence of consumer ethnocentrism, animosity, and country image perception on product receptivity: A cross-national study 111
International marketing and competitive strategies of ‘Made in Italy’: an empirical investigation on medium sized firms 109
Risparmio energetico come elemento qualificante nel recupero di palazzine anni 30 109
Shelf replenishment with RFID-ERP-Kanban system: A case study in large distribution 108
A Neural Network-based Method for Continuous Blood Pressure Estimation From a PPG Signal 107
Characterisation and antioxidant activity of bioactive molecules extracted from Olea europaea leaves 107
An Improvement of the FAST-MCD Algorithm 106
An AHP model to evaluate the influence of calendar effects on investment choice 106
Market space e caratteristiche competitive dei nuovi intermediari commerciali 105
Small scale decentralized polygeneration systems 104
A proposal for handling ordinal categorical variables in Co- Inertia Analysis 104
Potential energy saving and emissions reduction using propane in an air-to-water heat pump system for heating and cooling in residential and service buildings 103
Real time project resources schedule through a simulation approach of Critical Path Method 103
Italian Innovative Start-up Cohorts: an Empirical Survey on Profitability 103
Analysis of thermal and dehumidification performances of a silica-gel desiccant wheel regenerated with a low temperature medium 102
Dynamic simulation of a microcogeneration system experimentally validated in a test facility in Spain 102
4D-8PSK Trellis Coded Modulation: Implementation on FPGA Xilinx Virtex-6 ML605 102
Analisi non simmetrica delle Corrispondenze Multiple con Vincoli Lineari 101
A Microservices Platform for Monitoring and Analysis of IoT Traffic Data in Smart Cities 101
From a hospital Reference Building to all represented healthcare facilities: a new approach to assess energy performance and retrofit potentials 101
Un approccio ampliato alla sostenibilità sociale in ambito sanitario. Le opportunità della digital health 101
Elaborazione di dati geoambientali in ambiente GIS per la caratterizzazione del “Terroir” della Valle Telesina (Benevento) 100
Directly irradiated fluidized bed reactor for thermochemical energy storage and CO2/H2O splitting 100
People Analytics applications, value, structure, and system support: An explorative study from Italy” 99
SAR Interferometry with open Sentinel-1 data for environmental measurements: the case of Ischia earthquake 98
Seabed mapping for geohazard in the Gulf of Taranto, Ionian Sea (Southern Italy) 98
Railway monitoring and train tracking by Fiber Bragg Grating sensors: A case study in Italy 98
A Flexible Mobility System based on CHIP Architectures: the NETCHIP Research Project 98
A new algorithm for noise reduction and quality improvement in SAR Interferograms using inpainting and diffusion 97
Heritage marketing nelle imprese longeve italiane: una visione processuale 97
Studio geomorfologico e sismologico di faglie attive nella Valle Telesina (Appennino campano) 97
A literature review on firms' internationalisation through e-commerce 97
A comparison analysis between Total Equivalent Warming Impact and Expanded Total Equivalent Warming Impact index in an Air Conditioning application for a real university building 96
CVC: current trends and future directions 96
CLADAG 2019 Book of short papers 96
Biomass-based Renewable Energy Community: energy and environmental assessment of the Tirano municipality 95
Sustainability of waste management in hilly landscape of the eastern Irpinia (Campania). 95
Waveguide-based metamaterials as a platform for mathematical operations 95
Asset Balance of Italian Fuel Distribution Companies During and after the Crisis 95
The influence of organizational tenure, teams diversity of educational background and level on the decision-making process of pre-startups. 95
Totale 19.286

Totale Lug Ago Sett Ott Nov Dic Gen Feb Mar Apr Mag Giu
2019/202018.917 0 0 0 0 0 5.345 881 6.398 334 4.757 579 623
2020/202149.084 5.631 4.831 999 5.142 739 10.572 559 4.951 1.494 5.630 7.829 707
2021/202223.769 979 491 10.287 1.558 643 505 1.210 4.317 1.722 605 894 558
2022/202370.533 10.332 2.501 1.242 10.605 5.528 12.331 705 6.602 12.565 2.070 4.445 1.607
2023/202428.346 2.385 4.646 3.894 1.406 1.379 1.097 1.148 1.546 5.473 2.135 644 2.593
2024/202530.483 7.269 4.013 2.914 2.099 10.213 3.975 0 0 0 0 0 0
Totale 260.087