4.2 Abstract in Atti di convegno
 Distribuzione geografica
Continente #
NA - Nord America 9.413
EU - Europa 6.447
AS - Asia 2.353
AF - Africa 178
Continente sconosciuto - Info sul continente non disponibili 73
SA - Sud America 41
OC - Oceania 20
Totale 18.525
Nazione #
US - Stati Uniti d'America 8.592
UA - Ucraina 2.684
CN - Cina 1.872
IT - Italia 1.414
DE - Germania 843
CA - Canada 810
SE - Svezia 681
FR - Francia 428
TR - Turchia 293
CI - Costa d'Avorio 162
FI - Finlandia 114
GB - Regno Unito 78
EU - Europa 73
IN - India 62
IR - Iran 36
NL - Olanda 34
ES - Italia 28
BR - Brasile 27
BE - Belgio 22
AT - Austria 19
AU - Australia 19
RO - Romania 18
HK - Hong Kong 14
TW - Taiwan 13
IE - Irlanda 11
KR - Corea 11
PL - Polonia 11
PT - Portogallo 11
CH - Svizzera 10
ID - Indonesia 10
RU - Federazione Russa 10
CL - Cile 8
CU - Cuba 8
JP - Giappone 8
CZ - Repubblica Ceca 6
MA - Marocco 6
PK - Pakistan 6
UZ - Uzbekistan 5
ZA - Sudafrica 5
BN - Brunei Darussalam 4
IL - Israele 4
AR - Argentina 3
CO - Colombia 3
GR - Grecia 3
HU - Ungheria 3
LT - Lituania 3
MY - Malesia 3
SK - Slovacchia (Repubblica Slovacca) 3
AF - Afghanistan, Repubblica islamica di 2
BA - Bosnia-Erzegovina 2
BG - Bulgaria 2
HR - Croazia 2
LU - Lussemburgo 2
NO - Norvegia 2
SG - Singapore 2
TH - Thailandia 2
AM - Armenia 1
AZ - Azerbaigian 1
BS - Bahamas 1
CY - Cipro 1
DK - Danimarca 1
EG - Egitto 1
GA - Gabon 1
IM - Isola di Man 1
IQ - Iraq 1
LY - Libia 1
MK - Macedonia 1
MX - Messico 1
NZ - Nuova Zelanda 1
OM - Oman 1
SA - Arabia Saudita 1
TN - Tunisia 1
TT - Trinidad e Tobago 1
UG - Uganda 1
Totale 18.525
Città #
Chandler 2.097
Jacksonville 1.858
Toronto 780
Nanjing 495
Princeton 381
Wilmington 339
Istanbul 288
Dearborn 255
Shenyang 215
Ogden 195
Hebei 172
Ashburn 164
Abidjan 162
Nanchang 154
Los Angeles 141
Tianjin 135
Jiaxing 116
Helsinki 112
Changsha 102
Bremen 93
Ningbo 91
Napoli 87
Zhengzhou 80
Jinan 73
Milan 63
Taizhou 61
Naples 59
Rome 47
Norwalk 46
Redwood City 45
San Giorgio Del Sannio 43
Boydton 42
Guangzhou 42
Beijing 40
Leawood 29
San Mateo 29
Strasbourg 29
Salerno 27
Meppel 26
Florence 25
Augusta 24
Portland 22
Brussels 21
Seattle 21
Turin 20
Hangzhou 19
Vienna 18
Bologna 16
Ardabil 15
Shanghai 15
Monmouth Junction 14
Hanover 13
Taipei 13
Venice 13
Cagliari 12
Caserta 12
Pozzuoli 12
Elk Grove Village 11
Melbourne 11
Ann Arbor 10
Dublin 10
Edinburgh 10
Padova 10
Palermo 10
Washington 10
Bari 9
Woodbridge 9
Denver 8
Ottawa 8
Andover 7
Benevento 7
Braga 7
Castel Volturno 7
Chennai 7
Crecchio 7
Dachau 7
London 7
Redmond 7
Shenzhen 7
Sheridan 7
Verona 7
Ariano Irpino 6
Barcelona 6
Boardman 6
Castel Campagnano 6
Catania 6
Dallas 6
Duncan 6
Falls Church 6
Fremont 6
Havana 6
Hefei 6
Huntsville 6
New Delhi 6
Paris 6
Pittsburgh 6
Prague 6
Pune 6
Santiago 6
Sheffield 6
Totale 9.832
Nome #
Gli indici climatici per la caratterizzazione geoambientale del paesaggio dell’Appennino sannita (Campania) 436
La disabilità dopo l’Università: il disability management per un lavoro dignitoso, equo e inclusive nelle moderne società glocali 142
La disabilità dopo l’Università: economia ed aziende inclusive 124
Erosion processes on the rocky coasts of Ponza Island (Italy) 120
A Novel Fluidized Bed Thermochemical Battery for Chemical Energy Storage in Concentrated Solar Power Systems 113
Indagine della struttura sepolta del bacino di Volturara Irpina (Avellino) attraverso dati gravimetrici e di microtremore 110
The AD 79 tsunami in Naples Bay 108
Production of Magnesium-Based Cements by Means of Solar-Driven Calcination of MgCO3-Containing Natural Sources 100
Directly irradiated fluidized bed reactor for thermochemical energy storage and CO2/H2O splitting 91
Waveguide-based metamaterials as a platform for mathematical operations 83
Thermal Behaviour of Compartmented Fluidized Beds Under Uneven Fluidization Conditions 81
Common Ware from the environs of Vesuvius (Pollena Trocchia, Naples): new insights into the production technology of late Roman pottery 77
Ruolo della microflora edafica nel risanamento di suoli contaminati da antracene e benzo[a]pirene 74
Mortars, plasters and mosaic floors from Ancient Stabiae: the art of building in Roman times (89 B.C.-79 A.D.) 74
Ring-Opening Polymerization of Lactones and Lactides by Aluminum and Yttrium Initiators 73
Cumes. Le matériel tardo-antique découvert dans un puits: entre données typologiques et analyses archéométriques 72
The Neapolitan Yellow Tuff tephra in the stratigraphic architecture of the Gulf of Gaeta shelf, eastern Tyrrhenian margin 70
Analisi della struttura della comunità microbica di suoli forestali mediante determinazione dei plfa e dell’ergosterolo 70
Natural zeolites and white wines from Campania region: a new approach for solving oenological problems 70
Thermal behaviour of granular materials in directly irradiated fluidized beds 70
Accumulation of organic and inorganic pollutants in moss and lichen bags: preliminary results of an exposure in London and Naples. 69
Profitability and financial structure of soccer clubs: an international comparison 68
Path and functional integrals in electromagnetics: Old and new 68
The geodiversity in the Cilento and Vallo di Diano Geopark (Italy) as support in the enhancement of sustainable development 68
Late Roman slipped or painted wares? Technology and chronology of some Campanian productions 68
First Uses of Italian Natural Zeolitites In the Proteic Stabilization Process of Autoctonous White Wines of Campanian Region (Fiano and Falangina cultivars) 67
Energy, environmental and economic analysis of a Renewable Energy Community 67
Kinetic study of adsorption and desorption of metallic mercuty on activated carbon 66
Assessment of the environmental conditions of the Calore river basin (south Italy): a stream sediment approach. 66
Deposizione di IPA e metalli pesanti e assorbimento in foglie di leccio 65
Evaluation of Pb in zeolites used for animal diet: some implications based on current legislation 65
Environmental geochemical Atlas of Italy 65
I geositi del Parco Nazionale del Cilento e Vallo di Diano 64
A review of archaeometric data on cooking ware in Cuma (Campi Flegrei, Italy) from archaic to medieval ages 64
Analisi metodologica per la caratterizzazione proteomica del suolo 62
Adaptive approaches to rough surface underground imaging – I: Interface profile reconstruction 62
A new approach for planning on rocky coastal cliffs: the case of Campania (Southern Italy) 62
A regional-wide soil characterization for PAHs, OCPs and PCBs: the Campania Region case study 62
May the joint use of natural zeolites and steamed smectites be envisaged in oenological refining process? 62
"Response of Nonlinear Cell Membrane to Noisy EM Fields" 61
Avalance-associated mass flows damaged Pompeii several times bifore the Vesuvius catastrophic eruption in the 79 C.E. 61
A model of magnetostriction hysteresis with thermodynamics compatibility 61
Reactivity of a cationic alkyl amino-functionalized cyclopentadienyl aluminium compound with olefins: NMR observation of the single propene insertion product and DFT calculations 61
A geofingerprint of the parent material-soil-wine chain in a high quality terroir. A first approach on Piedirosso vineyards, Campi Flegrei, southern Italy 61
Il tephra del Tufo Giallo Napoletano nell’architettura stratigrafica del Golfo di Gaeta (Tirreno Meridionale): nuovi dati sismostratigrafici e tefrostratigrafici 61
A multi-disciplinary approach of sediment-core from the Taranto continental slope (Northern Ionian Sea). First results 59
Heavy metals and PGE soils contamination: a new method to evaluate pollution sources in urban areas. The case of Naples (Italy) 59
Watershed analysis and inverse distance weighted interpolation of stream sediment composition for the geochemical mapping and environmental risk assessment of the Volturno river basin (southern Italy). 59
Point contact tunneling in BSCCO system 58
Evaluation of some toxic elements in zeolitites used for animal diet 58
Variazioni geomorfologiche recenti dell’alveo del Fiume Calore tra il Fiume Ufita ed il Torrente Serretelle (Appennino campano, Italia meridionale) e rapporti con l’antropizzazione 58
Alternative methods for wave propagation in graded index waveguides (revisited): I. Uniform 58
Aflatoxin B1 adsorption by phillipsite- and chabazite-rich tuffs 58
“Analysis of Plasmonic-Photonic Resonances in Hybrid Metallo-Dielecric Quasicrystals” 58
Cambiamenti paleoclimatici e paleoceanografici durante il Pleistocene medio-Olocene nell’Oceano Atlantico nord-orientale e nel Mar Mediterraneo 58
Tunneling study of BSCCO films with Au proximity layers 58
Coupling between mass transfer and chemical reaction in the dissoltion of finely ground limestone particles in stirred vessels 58
The “Tufo Giallo della Via Tiberina” (Sabatini Volcanic Disctrict, Centra Italy): a complex system of lithification in a pyroclastic current deposit 58
Dinamica temporale della densità di popolazione di gruppi microbici in un suolo agrario sottoposto a quattro differenti successioni colturali con leguminose da granella 57
2-D seismic ray tracing and arrival time inversion using a spectral decomposed propagation medium 57
"Novel Sensitive Nanocoatings based on Swcnts Composites for Advanced Fiber Optic Chemo-Sensors" 57
Set-up of matrix solid-phase dispersion procedure for PAH determination in oak leaves 57
A new approach to fast modify the zeolite surface: high spees disperser technique in the preparation of great SMZ amount 57
Un algoritmo innovativo di beamforming per array di antenne basato sulle reti neurali 56
Dual-polarized high-impedance ground planes based on grid-graph Hamiltonian paths for antenna applications 56
Coopetition, Cooperosity and Regression to the Mean 56
The 2013, ML 4.9, Matese earthquake (Southern Apennines, Italy): A “deep” normal faulting earthquake or an earthquake at frictional-to-viscous transition? 56
Toward a Quantitative Understanding of Tunneling Spectra in BSCCO 2212 56
Valutazione della suscettibilità da frana nel bacino del Torrente Calaggio (confine campano-pugliese) mediante elaborazione di dati geoambientali in ambiente GIS. 56
The chemical characters of the water we drink: comparison between tap and bottled mineral water 55
Modeling of cation exchange equilibria on zeolites 55
The use of natural zeolite-rich rock as additive to swine feeding stuffs: new insight onto methodology of the quality control analysis 55
Superconducting and normal state properties of 90K and 60K YBCO-based tunnel junctions 55
Accurate computation of leaky-wave poles for metal-backed inhomogeneous dielectric layers 55
Copolimerizzazione alternata etilene-stirene con un catalizzatore Ziegler-Natta cationico 55
Effetto di tre differenti leguminose foraggere su alcuni indici di attività biologica di un suolo agrario 54
Valorizzazione del patrimonio pedologico campano. Indagine sulle relazioni tra suoli evoluti su depositi vulcanici e tipicizzazione delle produzioni vinicole. 54
Biomonitoraggio degli idrocarburi policiclici aromatici attraverso analisi di foglie di leccio 54
Half-metallocene cationic complexes: novel structural and reactivity models for homogeneous Ziegler-Natta catalysts 54
Experimental studi of interfacial phenomena in some pollutants-enriched model solutions vs. surface engineered clinoptilolite 54
Tunneling in Bi2212: Eliashberg Analysis of Spectral Dip Feature 54
Analisi degli effetti di amplificazione di sito per studi di Microzonazione 54
Geoarchaeological observations on the causes of the end of Minoan civilization 54
Mineralogy and wine: a new hypothesis on the use of industrial minerals in oenological refining processes 54
Applicazione di compost di qualità in suoli agrari. Monitoraggio degli idrocarburi policiclcii aromatici 53
Dynamics of the Ba2+/Na+ exchange process on a mixed chabazite-phillipsite-rich tuff 53
A tale of two halves: a NMR based study of stability and dynamics of different forms of BS-RNase 53
Synthesis of aliphatic polyesters by organometallic catalysis 53
Semicrystalline and functionalized poly(esters) by ring-opening polymerization of -6-hexadecenlactone 53
A multidisciplinary approach to investigate seismogenic faults: Case studies from Italian region 53
Osservazioni geologico-ambientali e geomorfologiche nell’intorno di siti di escavazione di sedimenti fluviali nelle piane alluvionali della Provincia di Benevento (Italia Meridionale) 53
Innovating and internationalizing a new organizational identity. The metamorphosis of an EMNC 53
Fiber-optics meta-tips for light manipulation and sensing 53
The role of digital technologies in International Marketing and Business: a Quantitative Assessment of the Literature 53
Watershed analysis and inverse distance weighted interpolation of stream sediments composition for the geochemical mapping and environmental risk assessment of the Volturno river Basin (southern Italy). 53
Inferring on the seismogenesis of the Sannio-Irpinia border region (Southern Italy). 52
P-wave arrival time inversion by using the Taup-p method: application to the Mt. Vesuvius volcano southern Italy 52
Totale 6.815

Totale Lug Ago Sett Ott Nov Dic Gen Feb Mar Apr Mag Giu
2018/2019828 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 31 797
2019/20203.579 1.029 23 120 349 23 498 133 827 71 411 64 31
2020/20213.805 406 391 61 395 79 828 42 427 82 468 575 51
2021/20221.879 51 49 828 148 40 37 93 338 113 42 71 69
2022/20235.604 841 214 118 918 394 945 64 505 1.021 138 356 90
2023/20242.039 159 426 320 115 78 67 104 114 451 192 13 0
Totale 18.771