PALLOTTA, Giovanna
PALLOTTA, Giovanna
A novel methodology and a tool for supporting the transition of districts and communities in Positive Energy Districts
2024-01-01 Marrasso, E.; Martone, C.; Pallotta, G.; Roselli, C.; Sasso, M.
A roadmap for the implementation of a renewable energy community
2024-01-01 Esposito, Paolo; Marrasso, Elisa; Martone, Chiara; Pallotta, Giovanna; Roselli, Carlo; Sasso, Maurizio; Tufo, Massimiliano
Assessing the influence of time-dependent power grid efficiency indicators on primary energy savings and economic incentives for high-efficiency cogeneration
2023-01-01 Sasso, M; Roselli, C; Ceglia, F; Marrasso, E; Pallotta, G
Assessment of energy systems configurations in mixed-use Positive Energy Districts through novel indicators for energy and environmental analysis
2024-01-01 Marrasso, E.; Martone, C.; Pallotta, G.; Roselli, C.; Sasso, M.
Comparative environmental performance analysis of two air conditioning systems by using Expanded Total Equivalent Warming Impact metric
2022-01-01 Marrasso, Elisa; Roselli, Carlo; Sasso, Maurizio; Ceglia, Francesca; Pallotta, Giovanna
Enabling the energy transition of industrial districts through Positive Energy Districts
2023-01-01 Marrasso, E.; Martone, C.; Pallotta, G.; Roselli, C.; Sasso, M.
Environmental impact assessment of an air-to-water heat pump through the Expanded Total Equivalent Warming Impact index based on experimental data
2023-01-01 Ceglia, Francesca; Marrasso, Elisa; Martone, Chiara; Pallotta, Giovanna; Roselli, Carlo; Sasso, Maurizio
Influence of power grid efficiency variability on the support mechanisms for high efficiency cogeneration: an Italian case study
2022-01-01 Marrasso, E.; Pallotta, G.; Roselli, C.
Multi-software based dynamic modelling of a water-to-water heat pump interacting with an aquifer thermal energy storage system
2024-01-01 Agate, G.; Colucci, F.; Luciano, N.; Marrasso, E.; Martone, C.; Pallotta, G.; Roselli, C.; Sasso, M.; Squarzoni, G.
The State of the Art of Smart Energy Communities: A Systematic Review of Strengths and Limits
2022-01-01 Ceglia, F.; Marrasso, E; Pallotta, G; Roselli, C; Sasso, M
Towards the Decarbonization of Industrial Districts through Renewable Energy Communities: Techno-Economic Feasibility of an Italian Case Study
2023-01-01 Ceglia, Francesca; Marrasso, Elisa; Martone, Chiara; Pallotta, Giovanna; Roselli, Carlo; Sasso, Maurizio
Towards the implementation of Positive Energy Districts in industrial districts: an Italian case study
2023-01-01 Marrasso, E; Martone, C; Pallotta, G; Roselli, C; Sasso, M