In order for the association of men to re-main orderly and just, according to Plato, it is necessary for it to be a gigantograph of the soul, that is, to establish a proper hierarchical relationship between the social classes, assigning the function of leadership to the group that is naturally suited to perform such a delicate task: the philosophers. The project of the govern-ment of philosophers is difficult to im-plement, but not unfeasible: their main task is precisely to transfer the knowled-ge of the world of Ideas to the plane of political practice, instructing other citi-zens so that the just city may be built. What legitimizes the assignment to phi-losophers of the right-duty to govern is the possession of exceptional knowled-ge, inaccessible to other men. Rulers-philosophers, individuals of innate sensi-bility and inappreciable intellectual cu-riosity, are required to hold the reins of power firmly in their hands; for only they are able to grasp the underlying motiva-tions of coexistence and make it work to the best of its ability, preventing the city from sinking into chaos and internal and external conflicts. "Lovers of visions," phi-losophers thus embody rationality, and keep their eyes pointed toward a higher ontological order, namely the world of Ideas. But in addition to such higher, in-tellectual or eidetic knowledge, they must possess lower, empirical or practi-cal expertise, so that they are able to teach new generations from childhood onward, and to apply the eternal laws and patterns to the world of things. However, it is unfortunately indisputable, according to Nietzsche, that every state fears true philosophers, and will obstruct their rule by always favoring only those philoso-phers from whom it cannot fear that truth will emerge.
Affinché l’associazione degli uomini ri-manga ordinata e giusta, secondo Pla-tone, è necessario che essa sia una gigan-tografia dell’anima, ovvero che stabilisca un corretto rapporto gerarchico tra le classi sociali, assegnando la funzione di comando al gruppo che è naturalmente adatto ad assolvere un tale delicato com-pito: i filosofi. Il progetto del governo dei filosofi è di difficile attuazione, ma non irrealizzabile: il loro compito principale è esattamente quello di trasferire sul piano della prassi politica la conoscenza del mondo delle Idee, istruendo gli altri cittadini perché si edifichi la città giusta. Ciò che legittima l’assegnazione ai filo-sofi del diritto-dovere di governare è il possesso di un sapere eccezionale, inac-cessibile agli altri uomini. I governanti-filosofi, individui di connaturata sensibili-tà e di inappagabile curiosità intellettua-le, è necessario che tengano salde in ma-no le redini del potere; solo essi infatti sono in grado di cogliere le motivazioni di fondo della convivenza e farla funzionare al meglio delle sue possibilità, evitando che la città sprofondi nel caos e in conflit-ti interni ed esterni. «Amanti delle visio-ni» i filosofi incarnano dunque la razionali-tà, e tengono lo sguardo puntato verso un ordine ontologico superiore, ossia il mondo delle Idee. Ma oltre a tale cono-scenza superiore, intellettuale o eidetica, essi devono possedere una competenza inferiore, empirica o pratica, cosicché siano in grado di insegnare alle nuove generazioni fin dall’infanzia, e di applica-re le leggi e i modelli eterni al mondo delle cose. Tuttavia è incontestabile pur-troppo, secondo Nietzsche, che ogni Sta-to teme i veri filosofi, e osteggerà il loro dominio favorendo sempre e solo quei filosofi da cui non potrà temere che la verità emerga.
Il compito dei filosofi legislatori. Nietzsche interpreta Platone
Zavatta L.
In order for the association of men to re-main orderly and just, according to Plato, it is necessary for it to be a gigantograph of the soul, that is, to establish a proper hierarchical relationship between the social classes, assigning the function of leadership to the group that is naturally suited to perform such a delicate task: the philosophers. The project of the govern-ment of philosophers is difficult to im-plement, but not unfeasible: their main task is precisely to transfer the knowled-ge of the world of Ideas to the plane of political practice, instructing other citi-zens so that the just city may be built. What legitimizes the assignment to phi-losophers of the right-duty to govern is the possession of exceptional knowled-ge, inaccessible to other men. Rulers-philosophers, individuals of innate sensi-bility and inappreciable intellectual cu-riosity, are required to hold the reins of power firmly in their hands; for only they are able to grasp the underlying motiva-tions of coexistence and make it work to the best of its ability, preventing the city from sinking into chaos and internal and external conflicts. "Lovers of visions," phi-losophers thus embody rationality, and keep their eyes pointed toward a higher ontological order, namely the world of Ideas. But in addition to such higher, in-tellectual or eidetic knowledge, they must possess lower, empirical or practi-cal expertise, so that they are able to teach new generations from childhood onward, and to apply the eternal laws and patterns to the world of things. However, it is unfortunately indisputable, according to Nietzsche, that every state fears true philosophers, and will obstruct their rule by always favoring only those philoso-phers from whom it cannot fear that truth will emerge.I documenti in IRIS sono protetti da copyright e tutti i diritti sono riservati, salvo diversa indicazione.