The paper analyzes the reform of Italian State Museums, considering the scenario in which it operates, the main measures of the context, the new discipline; marks that, above all, the intervention reveals how much the Italian Ministry for the Culture is rusty, and strives to be placed in the central point of the material of which it takes care, relevant for the responsibilities of the mission assigned to the Republic by the Constitution, but also for what concerns the cultural identity, social cohesion, equality, economic development of the country. Therefore evaluates favorably the reorganization, and although notes a few points of special sensitivity (the figure of the Secretary General, the problem of the legal sources, the the relations between the museum's director and board of directors, the issues of personnel, budgets, and so on), notes that the reform faces many of the unresolved nodes for the State museums, highlights in particular their special autonomy, noting that it is somehow restrained, but also that it startes a process that aims at management of museums in its own terms, not detaching them from their territory, an assumption of grown importance (and urgency) together with their social, economic, civil importance; argues that the fundamental mission of the museum is the public fruition, a redistributive function that also helps to define the constitutive mechanisms of the cultural eminence, and produces significant economic and productive consequences.
Il lavoro analizza la riforma dei musei statali recata dal decreto del Presidente del Consiglio dei ministri 29 agosto 2014, n. 171 e dagli atti antecedenti e conseguenti, considerando lo scenario in cui interviene, le principali misure di contesto, la nuova disciplina; nota come l'intervento anzitutto riveli quanto il Ministero sia arrugginito, e fatichi a collocarsi nel medesimo punto centrale del materiale di cui si occupa, rilevante per le responsabilità statali della missione assegnata alla Repubblica dall’art. 9 della Costituzione, ma anche per ciò che attiene all’identità culturale, alla coesione, all’uguaglianza, allo sviluppo economico del Paese. Valuta perciò favorevolmente il complesso riordino, e pur rilevando qualche punto di particolare delicatezza (la figura del Segretario generale, il problema delle fonti, la relazione tra direttore del museo e consiglio di amministrazione, il tema del personale, i bilanci, e così via), rileva che esso affronta molti dei nodi rimasti irrisolti negli ultimi decenni per i musei statali, ne mette in particolare evidenza l'autonomia speciale, notando che essa è in qualche modo trattenuta, e indica come sia avviato un percorso che punta sulla gestione dei musei in termini propri, non distaccandoli dal loro territorio ma dotandoli di un proprio management, un presupposto cresciuto di importanza (ed urgenza) insieme con il loro rilievo sociale, economico, civile; sostiene che la missione fondamentale del museo pubblico è la fruizione, una funzione redistributiva che concorre anche a definire i meccanismi costitutivi della eminenza culturale, e a produrre notevoli conseguenze di rilievo economico e produttivo.
I nuovi musei statali: un primo passo nella giusta direzione
Forte P
The paper analyzes the reform of Italian State Museums, considering the scenario in which it operates, the main measures of the context, the new discipline; marks that, above all, the intervention reveals how much the Italian Ministry for the Culture is rusty, and strives to be placed in the central point of the material of which it takes care, relevant for the responsibilities of the mission assigned to the Republic by the Constitution, but also for what concerns the cultural identity, social cohesion, equality, economic development of the country. Therefore evaluates favorably the reorganization, and although notes a few points of special sensitivity (the figure of the Secretary General, the problem of the legal sources, the the relations between the museum's director and board of directors, the issues of personnel, budgets, and so on), notes that the reform faces many of the unresolved nodes for the State museums, highlights in particular their special autonomy, noting that it is somehow restrained, but also that it startes a process that aims at management of museums in its own terms, not detaching them from their territory, an assumption of grown importance (and urgency) together with their social, economic, civil importance; argues that the fundamental mission of the museum is the public fruition, a redistributive function that also helps to define the constitutive mechanisms of the cultural eminence, and produces significant economic and productive consequences.I documenti in IRIS sono protetti da copyright e tutti i diritti sono riservati, salvo diversa indicazione.