A study dedicate to the ancient adage "unity is strength" may appear, especially in legal terms, an effort rather questionable; yet a closer glance finds that, if you look at the local public institutions, to remain distinct - and therefore on its own, in the continuation and pass on a story that has ancient flavors, characters, identity, but often unfit to bear the burdens of the true local government - or join with others in various forms to seek strength for the renewal and projection into the future of those skills, is not for them a matter so trivial. In an era that, for various reasons, has to deal with multi-level systems of government, and therefore experiences the continuous updating of needs related to the phenomena of the relations between the actors of the systems involved, the nature of these relationships leads us to consider the quality of decisions that each of them should be able to take or agree, and thus their resilience, their effective functioning. Thus, in this type of systems, it is clear than in the past the need of reasonability, with its lead - very organizational - of proportionality; the need of adequacy that derives certainly refers to the decisions to be taken, but also the suitability of the of the entity in charge: each institution must be appropriate to the decisions it is required to make, and every decision must be handling for the institution entrusted. The book explores these issues, by proposing arguments that suggest a reconsideration of the concepts of local authority and local autonomy, and analysis, commentary and an attempt of systematic of the tools for aggregation of local public actors, which does not overlook the forces of the territory - not necessarily public - between subsidiarity and governance.
Dedicare uno studio all’antico adagio “l’unione fa la forza” può apparire, soprattutto in termini giuridici, uno sforzo piuttosto discutibile; eppure, un più attento sguardo rileva che, se ci si dirige alle istituzioni pubbliche locali, il rimanere distinti, e perciò propri, in se’, nel perdurare e tramandare una storia che ha sapori e caratteri antichi, identitari, ma spesso inadatti a reggere le incombenze del vero governo locale, ovvero unirsi ad altri in varie forme nel cercare le forze per il rinnovo e la proiezione nel futuro di quelle capacità, non è questione così banale. In un’epoca che, per diverse ragioni, fa i conti con sistemi di governo multi livello, e che dunque sperimenta il continuo aggiornamento delle necessità connesse ai fenomeni delle relazioni tra gli attori di quei sistemi, la natura dei soggetti coinvolti e di queste relazioni porta a considerare la qualità delle decisioni che ciascuno di essi deve poter assumere o concordare, e dunque la loro tenuta, il loro effettivo funzionamento. Così, in questo tipo di sistemi, appare evidente più che in passato l’esigenza di ragionevolezza, con il suo portato – molto organizzativo – di proporzionalità; il bisogno di adeguatezza che ne deriva riguarda senz’altro le decisioni da assumere, ma anche l’appropriatezza del soggetto incaricato: ogni ente deve essere adeguato alle decisioni che è chiamato a prendere, ed ogni decisione affidata ad una istituzione deve essere per essa maneggevole. Il libro indaga questi aspetti, proponendo gli argomenti che suggeriscono una rimeditazione dei concetti di ente territoriale e di autonomia locale, e l’analisi, il commento ed un tentativo di sistematica degli strumenti per l’aggregazione tra soggetti pubblici locali, che non trascuri le forze del territorio non necessariamente pubbliche, tra sussidiarietà e governance.
Aggregazioni pubbliche locali. Forme associative nel governo e nell'amministrazione tra autonomia politica, territorialità e governance
Forte P
A study dedicate to the ancient adage "unity is strength" may appear, especially in legal terms, an effort rather questionable; yet a closer glance finds that, if you look at the local public institutions, to remain distinct - and therefore on its own, in the continuation and pass on a story that has ancient flavors, characters, identity, but often unfit to bear the burdens of the true local government - or join with others in various forms to seek strength for the renewal and projection into the future of those skills, is not for them a matter so trivial. In an era that, for various reasons, has to deal with multi-level systems of government, and therefore experiences the continuous updating of needs related to the phenomena of the relations between the actors of the systems involved, the nature of these relationships leads us to consider the quality of decisions that each of them should be able to take or agree, and thus their resilience, their effective functioning. Thus, in this type of systems, it is clear than in the past the need of reasonability, with its lead - very organizational - of proportionality; the need of adequacy that derives certainly refers to the decisions to be taken, but also the suitability of the of the entity in charge: each institution must be appropriate to the decisions it is required to make, and every decision must be handling for the institution entrusted. The book explores these issues, by proposing arguments that suggest a reconsideration of the concepts of local authority and local autonomy, and analysis, commentary and an attempt of systematic of the tools for aggregation of local public actors, which does not overlook the forces of the territory - not necessarily public - between subsidiarity and governance.I documenti in IRIS sono protetti da copyright e tutti i diritti sono riservati, salvo diversa indicazione.