We analysed the spring discharges of a large karst system (Campania, Southern Italy) to determine the relation with periods of poor recharge. Due to the Mediterranean climate and hydrogeological conditions of the aquifers, spring hydrographs corresponding to the system are generally characterised by one annual smoothed peak during spring season and a negligible quick fl ow component. Insuffi cient recharge due to poor annual rainfall results in fl at spring hydrographs (with no peak) that indicate a continuously decreasing discharge. Flat spring hydrographs reveal a drought, which is characterised by a prolonged shortage of water that induces a reduction in discharge during the following year as well. Droughts also appear to be induced by consecutive years with a rainfall below the average. The historical data have shown that each hydrological year depends on the previous year because annual rainfall series do not have a random character and aquifers have a “memory effect”, which results in spring discharges amplifying the effect of poor rainfall. Due to a long historical series and the specifi c karst spring regime, a fl at hydrograph can be forecast as early as winter, thereby providing a useful tool for water management. The time-lag between rainfall and spring discharges has been utilised to determine the amount of rainfall required to avoid a drought.
RIASSUNTO Le portate sorgive di un vasto sistema carsico della Campania sono state analizzate al fi ne di trovare la relazione con il regime delle piogge durante periodi di siccità. A causa del clima tipicamente Mediterraneo e delle condizioni idrogeologiche degli acquiferi, gli idrogrammi sorgivi sono caratterizzati in genere da un unico colmo durante il periodo aprile- maggio, con trascurabile componente del fl usso veloce (quick fl ow). Una ricarica insuffi ciente causata da scarse piogge determina idrogrammi privi di colmo alle sorgenti, con continuo decremento di portata fi no alla ricarica dell’anno idrologico successivo. Questi idrogrammi marcano tipicamente un periodo siccitoso, inducono una riduzione delle portate anche per l’anno idrologico successivo e possono essere indotti anche da più anni consecutivi con piogge sotto la media. I dati storici indicano come ciascun anno idrologico appare dipendere dal precedente; in particolare, a causa del carattere ciclico che presenta la serie dei totali di pioggia annua e ad un “effetto memoria” presentato dagli acquiferi, le portate sorgive amplifi cano gli effetti delle scarse piogge e si caratterizzano per essere un indicatore climatico molto importante. Grazie alla lunghezza delle serie di dati disponibili ed al regime specifi co delle sorgenti, un idrogramma primo di colmo può essere previsto fi n dall’inverno, fornendo utili informazione al gestore della risorsa idrica. A tal fi ne, il metodo utilizzato consente di valutare la pioggia in termini probabilistici necessaria per evitare un periodo siccitoso.
Analisi delle portate di sorgenti carsiche durante periodi siccitosi
Fiorillo F.;Guadagno F
We analysed the spring discharges of a large karst system (Campania, Southern Italy) to determine the relation with periods of poor recharge. Due to the Mediterranean climate and hydrogeological conditions of the aquifers, spring hydrographs corresponding to the system are generally characterised by one annual smoothed peak during spring season and a negligible quick fl ow component. Insuffi cient recharge due to poor annual rainfall results in fl at spring hydrographs (with no peak) that indicate a continuously decreasing discharge. Flat spring hydrographs reveal a drought, which is characterised by a prolonged shortage of water that induces a reduction in discharge during the following year as well. Droughts also appear to be induced by consecutive years with a rainfall below the average. The historical data have shown that each hydrological year depends on the previous year because annual rainfall series do not have a random character and aquifers have a “memory effect”, which results in spring discharges amplifying the effect of poor rainfall. Due to a long historical series and the specifi c karst spring regime, a fl at hydrograph can be forecast as early as winter, thereby providing a useful tool for water management. The time-lag between rainfall and spring discharges has been utilised to determine the amount of rainfall required to avoid a drought.I documenti in IRIS sono protetti da copyright e tutti i diritti sono riservati, salvo diversa indicazione.