ABSTRACT Plio-Quaternary clastic sediments, geomorphological features and recent brittle deformations of the Castrovillari Basin in Northern Calabria have been studied on the grounds of a wide review of previous data and by means of a new survey. The research showed the existence of two different tectonic stages responsible for the genesis, the evolution and the disactivation of the basin. The reconstruction of three sedimentary sequences, separated by unconforrnities, allowed to ascribe those tectonic events to the Emilian and Sicilian (Lower Pleistocene). The first tectonic stage occurred under transtensive conditions, related to the kinematics of the Pollino left-lateral strike-slip fault, while the second one took place into an extensional strain field characterized by a counter-Apenninic extension axis. Yet, both tectonic stages should be interpreted as a normal consequence of a continuous reorganization of the local stress fields due to a rotational field acting along the Pollino Fault System.
RIASSUNTO I depositi clastici plio-quaternari, le forme del paesaggio e le strutture della deformazione fragile recente del bacino di Castrovillari (Calabria settentrionale) sono stati studiati sulla scorta di un'ampia revisione dei dati esistenti in letteratura e sulla base di rilevamenti inediti. L'indagine ha evidenziato l'esistenza di due differenti fasi tettoniche, attribuite all'Emiliano e al Siciliano, che hanno consentito l'individuazione di tre distinti cicli sedimentari. Tali fasi sono responsabili della genesi della depressione in regime transtensivo e della sua successiva disattivazione come bacino sedimentario marino-transizionale in regime estensionale, nell'ambito di una più generale rotazione del campo deformativo legata alla cinematica delle strutture lungo la "Linea del Pollino".
Osservazioni preliminari sull'evoluzione morfostrutturale del bacino di Castrovillari (Calabria settentrionale)
ABSTRACT Plio-Quaternary clastic sediments, geomorphological features and recent brittle deformations of the Castrovillari Basin in Northern Calabria have been studied on the grounds of a wide review of previous data and by means of a new survey. The research showed the existence of two different tectonic stages responsible for the genesis, the evolution and the disactivation of the basin. The reconstruction of three sedimentary sequences, separated by unconforrnities, allowed to ascribe those tectonic events to the Emilian and Sicilian (Lower Pleistocene). The first tectonic stage occurred under transtensive conditions, related to the kinematics of the Pollino left-lateral strike-slip fault, while the second one took place into an extensional strain field characterized by a counter-Apenninic extension axis. Yet, both tectonic stages should be interpreted as a normal consequence of a continuous reorganization of the local stress fields due to a rotational field acting along the Pollino Fault System.I documenti in IRIS sono protetti da copyright e tutti i diritti sono riservati, salvo diversa indicazione.